Welcome to your safe space!The BLANKPAGECONCEPT is your support platform to heal, recharge, & transform.You want to learn how to manage stress & anxiety? You desire to re-connect to your inner voice & trust your intuition? You are looking for clarity and want to explore new directions, and manifest meaningful changes in life?No matter where you are coming from: you can start your own journey. Everyday. From scratch.Join our community and write your individual chapters on joy, love, & happiness in life.I'd love meeting you soon!Best, Laura


Hey I’m Laura! Nice to meet you!
I've founded the BLANKPAGECONCEPT in 2020 to create a safe place for your individual healing, recharging and transformation journey. Today I'm happy to have been able to support 500+ people in their own story of a fulfilling and healthy life.
In my coachings, yoga classes & physical stress healing, I offer a blend of my professional background in psychology, human sciences, management studies, yoga philosophy and holistic body healing as well as my personal experiences. In my own story, I've overcome various challenges as an ambitious but sensitive soul. I've often struggled to navigate myself between others' and my own expectations, negative beliefs, stress, anxieties, and perfectionism.In my early 30s, I was professionally at my highest while being emotionally, mentally, & physically at my lowest: Having a strong academic and professional track record in Psychology, Business & Innovation Management, I made it to become one of a few top female leaders in a male dominated business. At the side, I've run my own coaching business and have been a management lecturer at top tier universities in Switzerland. I pushed myself everyday to my limits with usual work days from 5am-10pm, taking only single days off or weekends off, with only little breaks in between. On top I squeezed in high intensity workouts, morning yoga, meditation, daily steps, fasted, and never allowed myself to rest.Even though I've suffered everyday, I did everything to pretend that I was ok. I never wanted anyone to know how I really felt, not even my family or my closest friends & partner. At some point, I was burned-out, binge-eating, emotionally unreachable, having panic attacks, and losing my hearing.When I was in my deepest misery, serendipity made me being found by an experienced coach. That's when I started to take back the control over my life, rewired the connection to myself, adjusted my lifestyle and found back to my own intuition and purpose in life.Today I'm grateful to that life offered me this chance to start new. I've been lucky to be seen by someone professional and to get the medical, psychological and more importantly, personal support from friends & family in this process. Therefore, I'm pleased to give back what I've learned to you - in my coaching, yoga sessions, as well as body healing offers.I'm there for you if you need to be found by someone, too.



Get your FREE WEEKLY INSPIRATION for your personal story on well-being, love, joy, & passions in life!

I'd love having you with us to inspire & support each other!

In my writings, I share helpful advices as well as personal stories & lessons on:
- Burnout, stress & anxiety healing
- Well-being & balance
- Self-love & compassion
- Love & deep connection
- Joy & gratitude practice
- Realizing own ambitions
- Personal growth rituals & routines

Sign up for my SUNDAY SERENDIPITY newsletter!


YOU ARE SPECIAL & so is the BLANKPAGECONCEPT!In my coachings, yoga classes & physical stress healings I offer a blend of my professional background in psychology, human sciences, management studies, yoga philosophy and holistic body healing as well as my personal experiences.All my offerings follow on a holistic approach, seeing you as individual to support you at best in your personal story - no matter where you are starting from.You can choose between a range of self-guided programs, single, & group coachings matching your individual needs.

Let's get started to work on your individual goals!

I'm happy to offer you my expertise on:- Burnout, stress & anxiety healing
- Well-being & balance
- Self-love & compassion
- Love & deep connection
- Joy & gratitude practice
- Realizing own ambitions
- Personal growth rituals & routines

Please find following my offering for individuals and corporate programs.


In my coachings, yoga classes & physical stress healings I offer a blend of my professional background in psychology, human sciences, management studies, yoga philosophy and holistic body healing as well as my personal experiences. All my offerings follow on a holistic approach, seeing you as individual to support you at best in your personal story - no matter where you are starting from.You can choose between a range of self-guided programs, single, & group coachings matching your individual needs.



You are looking for a routine on inner work and personal growth? You want to join a group of likeminded people to share your experiences, questions, and lessons within a safe space? The NEW MOON CIRCLE might be the opportunity you have been looking for!

The NEW MOON CIRCLE enables you to benefit from the spiritual power of the new moon. In line with the Ayurvedic calendar, each of the monthly circles provides you with curated reflection and transformation challenges focussing on, e.g.: Self-Love & Compassion, Future Vision Building, Body-Mind Connection & Healing, or Mindfulness.

The NEW MOON CIRCLE is offered in diverse setups, matching your individual needs and circumstances:
(1) Self-reflection guides for your own practice at home
(2) Virtual events (coming soon)
(3) Physical events (coming soon)

Check out the full program description and join our tribe of like-minded people!



You want tackle a specific topic or challenge? You want to reach specific personal goals and/ or are looking for support within your transformation journey?I'm happy to be of your service and facilitate your process!Check out your possibilities how we can work together in a 1-1 coaching setup, designed according to your individual needs.



Coming soon.


and so are the possibilities to get support on your journey to a fulfilling & meaningful life. Please find following all your options how you can invest in the realisation of your future self with my support.


You have one or more specific topics/ questions you want guidance on? You want to stay flexible and/ or prefer written communication?Email Coaching is a simple and effective way to get the guidance you are seeking. After an onboarding call, you'll get personalised advice for your specific request.

The Email Coaching includes

1x Onboarding Call, incl.
Get to know each other & understand your circumstances, outline the topic/ issue you'd like to solve & definition of an ideal outcome, summary of the onboarding call, incl. next steps
5x Email advices
The emails are addressing a customised program for your situation:
- 1x post-onboarding call e-mail,
- 3x response e-mails &
- 1x wrap up + outlook email
You will get individual guidance addressing your questions, alongside additional tools & actionable steps


You have fully committed to your transformation journey and are looking for in-depth check-ins and support ? I'm happy to support you within regular virtual meet ups, designed according to your current situation and needs.In a virtual one to one coaching setting, I'm happy to provide you analysis & reflection tools as well as guidance to facilitate your progress.Each coaching partnership starts with a first get-to-know in order to learn about your initial situation and outline the topic of our join endeavour. It's an opportunity for both of us to check our match in terms of sympathy, expertise, and possible collaboration mode.The 30min onboarding session includes:
- Short get to know
- Description of initial situation
- First idea on possible coaching goals
- Q&A
- Next steps
After the call you have time to reflect, clarify with me all remaining questions and decide on a possible collaboration. Here you can choose between short- and longer-term bundles.


Coming soon.


You are looking for a routine on inner work and personal growth? You want to join a group of likeminded people to share your experiences, questions, and lessons within a safe space?The NEW MOON CIRCLE might be the opportunity you are looking for!

Every month THE NEW MOON CIRCLE provides you with curated reflection and transformation tasks focussing on a specific topic aligned with the Ayurvedic calendar. The new moon phase signifies fresh beginnings as we sow seeds for the future. In this phase it encourages a desire in us to pause and reflect. An ideal time to review your growth, set clear intentions, define goals, embark on new projects.The NEW MOON CIRCLE is designed to serve individuals interested in discovering & manifesting future visions, while overcoming life challenges. Its foundation roots in a holistic approach, based on scientific evidences from psychology, neurosciences as well as philosophical & spiritual insights. Our circle enables you to benefit from the spiritual power of the new moon.


Together we explore our true identity, deep desires and needs and learn more about how to manifest
- Self-love & compassion
- Body-Mind connection
- Inner & uuter healing
- Mindfulness & gratitude
- Individual values & beliefs
- Future vision building
- Personal growth & change

The concept will provide you with guidance & inspiration to empower you for self-reflection and the realization of your personal idea of a fulfilling & meaningful life. According to the monthly rhythm of the new moon, we will provide you once per month (according to the new moon raise) with insights & guidance for your individual journey.You don’t need previous knowledge. The NEW MOON CIRCLE is open to all levels from beginners to mindfulness experts. In the program, we offer a range of inspiration and insights for your self-discovery. However it's not giving any medical or psychological advice and hence, no substitute for any therapeutical treatments.

You can choose between various option to join us on your journey! Please find the full program description below.


You can choose between several options to unleash the spiritual power of the new moon: dependent on your personal preferences and life circumstances you can choose the level of exchange and support in your individual journey.


1x Self-Study & Reflection Guide for printout@home

1x Self-Study & Reflection Guide + Email Coaching

1x Self-Study & Reflection Guide + Virtual Coaching

Get 1x your digital guide with reflection tasks to start your own endeavour. The digital guide allows you to work on your future desired self at your own rhythm and terms.

Get 1x your digital guide with reflection tasks. Based on your self-reflection insights, you’ll get support by an email-coaching providing you with personalized advices, in a simple and flexible manner.

Get 1x your digital guide with reflection tasks. Based on your self-reflection insights, you will get support within 90min online coaching session giving you further guidance in a personal exchange.

Commit to your growth:

Commit for 1 YEAR to your personal transformation & subscribe for 12x NEW MOON CIRCLEs.Check out all your options.


1x Self-Study & Reflection Guide for printout@home

Get 1x your digital guide with reflection tasks to start your own endeavour. The digital guide allows you to work on your future desired self at your own rhythm and terms.

1x Self-Study & Reflection Guide + Email Coaching

Get 1x your digital guide with reflection tasks. Based on your self-reflection insights, you’ll get support by an email-coaching providing you with personalized advices, in a simple and flexible manner.

1x Self-Study & Reflection Guide + Virtual Coaching

Get 1x your digital guide with reflection tasks. Based on your self-reflection insights, you will get support within 90min online coaching session giving you further guidance in a personal exchange.

Commit to your growth:

Commit for 1 YEAR to your personal transformation & subscribe for 12x NEW MOON CIRCLEs.Check out all your options.



Coming soon!

JOIN OUR VIRTUAL COMMUNITY and get together with like-minded people to reflect and inspire each other.SAFE YOUR SPOT TODAY & stay tuned for the upcoming events. In the meantime benefit from inspiring insights of the SUNDAY SERENDIPITY newsletter.


Transformation Programs

Empower your employees to thrive with our comprehensive company coaching program focused on personal growth, resilience, and self innovation.Our tailored coaching offers span 8 or 4 weeks. Through a series of interactive workshops, practical exercises, and group coaching sessions, we guide participants through the key principles of navigating challenges, identifying personal and professional opportunities, as well as achieving their full potential.By investing in your employees' growth and development, you're not just fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement; you're also strengthening your organization from within. Our coaching program equips your team members with the confidence, clarity, and skills they need to thrive in today's dynamic and ever-changing business landscape.Equip your team for success. Contact me today.


Do you have any questions or would like to work with me?
I'm happy to help!
Just drop me a line & I'll get back to you soon!

Thank you

I'm excited to meet you and learn
about your personal story!
I will come back to you soon! :)Have a lovely day.
Best, Laura